Thursday, September 1, 2011

math is a wonderful thing

After spending half of my life struggling with math in literally every grade, I think I'm getting it. I think. It could just be that this is the last math that I'm required to take with my education, but I'm actually - dare I say it - TRYING?!

I am required by my sorority to have six study hours a week, and it's really nice. Three of those hours are monitored by a fellow sister and tonight was my first night of doing it. I sat in our computer lab, screaming at the screen, because I tend to talk to inanimate objects and things that I have no control over, like my math homework. I scared my sisters half to death by yelling things at the computer, and at first they were asking if I was alright, and then they became used to it as the three hours progressed.

I think with math, I've finally realised that the only way to get better and to understand it is to practice. And to practice, it's to do the homework. Honestly, if I wasn't being monitored and required to do homework while at the house, I probably would not be doing the homework.

I love being in a sorority at WSU. I feel like it's different than any other sorority experience I have witnessed. I grew up in a college town where every summer I would see girls lining up for recruitment and it scared the daylights out of me and turned me off to the whole idea. I truly love my sisters so much, and they are all such crafty, strong and wonderful women.
If anything, it's nice that it keeps you on the right track in college, by making sure that all of your homework is done and everything. If I didn't have this, I probably wouldn't worry that much about it, but I need to.

Here, have a song:

okay bye

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