Monday, August 29, 2011

des rêves

If you, dear reader, did not know this, I speak French. Just thought I'd catch you up.
I was an Exchange Student in the Walloon region of Belgium from August 2009 to June 2010, and I learned French through full immersion and attending language school two nights every week.

I had an interesting time adapting to the English language when I came back to the States. I spoke in English almost daily with other exchange students, but I had become used to hearing their voices and accents. There were some days where I went without speaking English at all, only getting the language while I was reading or doing something online. If I skyped with people, I became used to hearing their accents as well, but I never skyped with anyone other than my family and my close friends, whose voices I could hear in my head right now if I wanted to.
When I was at the airport in Bruxelles leaving to come back, anytime someone would speak to me in English I would promptly burst into tears. I'm pretty sure I was freaking out the people working at the airport so they hurried me through my check-in quickly.
Two days after I was back in Oklahoma, I went to Kansas for my university orientation. By the end of the day, I had the absolute worst headache on earth. I had heard so many different people speak, without me really speaking myself, and just taking it all in, and having to remember to concentrate on the words and putting them together . . . I was a mess. Hearing my mom's voice was a relief because I was used to hearing her. It got better with time, but it really did take a while.

Now, the entire time I was an exchange student, I never had a dream in French. We were always told that "once you're fluent, you'll start dreaming in French". I mean, I heard that so many damn times.
I never dreamt in French once. As my exchange went on, all of my dreams became mute. There was little to no language spoken in my dreams, which was weird for me. I don't remember exactly when my dreams started having English again, but I know it was sometime during my first semester of university, in fall 2010.
BUT. BUT BUT BUT. Last night I had my first ever dream in French.
I don't know why. But that's when it happened.
Sometime during 2 AM to 8 AM CST on August 29th, 2011, I dreamt in French.

It was groundbreaking.
Not really.

I dreamt about my third host family, who I love just as much as my biological family. It was comforting to see their faces. My host sister is currently an exchange student in Florida and I hope I'll be able to see her. I actually was just offered my first ~real~ job on campus, so hopefully I can save enough money to work something out.

The end.

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